
Seth Talk

from Lynda Dahl's

JULY 1, 2010

Welcome to Seth Talk, folks. I’m Lynda Dahl and I’m very excited about this new SNI offering because it will pretty much be my project, one that matches my inner inclinations very closely. Ever since I started reading the Seth material in 1984, most of my focus has been on attempting to understand the practical implications of what Seth says and then integrate it into my thinking as a given. Living a safe universe eventually became my overall goal.

Not an easy task, as all of you know, because the learning goes on...and on...and on. But as a by-product of my ongoing focus, I've gathered to me hundreds upon hundreds of Seth quotes on various subjects that specifically clarify what Seth is saying or recommending or clearing up regarding the nature of reality and how understanding it can lead to living a safe universe.

So what I'll be doing with Seth Talk, among other things, is laying the foundation which I believe will lead us to living a safe universe, nesting my gathered quotes together into a composite picture of what Seth says about certain subjects that lead us in that direction, subjects such as action (also called the vitality of All That Is, or the crux of creation), and the spacious present (the only place where action happens), and significances (the true cause and effect, happening in the spacious present and brought about by action). Etcetera, etcetera. I'll post a new entry periodically (hopefully at least once a month), and those of you on our email list will get a heads-up when one appears.

So, to kick off Seth Talk, the first offering is below. It's a long one because I wanted to give you some background about the purpose of Seth Talk and where it will eventually lead us. I hope Seth Talk'soverview topic, Living a Safe Universe, will prove to be an intriguing journey through the Seth material from a different perspective than reading the books one at a time from cover-to-cover allows us, because the subjects that comprise the overview, and their quotes, will be gathered from all books to be made into a whole.

The layout you will see below is temporary. Jeff Kiefer, our wizard of the web, plans to redo Seth Talkwhen he has an opportunity, creating a register of entries, with each entry standing alone as a document. But for now they will be posted as we do with Seth World News, one after the other in one long presentation.

Also, I’m sorry to say the quotes will not be annotated. The reason is that in my private files, where all the quotes will come from, I find that annotation of the type of Seth comments I normally use (one or two-liners) gets cumbersome and burdens the mind’s eye instead of clarifying the point of the quotes.

And one final note, folks. Do feel free to copy and paste anything you wish from Seth Talk into a Word doc for printing purposes. No problem whatsoever.

(Oh, another thought. If you're on Facebook, do drop by Lynda Madden Dahl, my page. Although FB isn't really a good, thorough venue for it, we're hoping to explore some of Seth's ideas there, certainly some of his quotes. At the very least, we'll be sharing ideas and friendship with other Sethies. ** Go Seth!)