
The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 17

I've told you often that there are no limitations to the self. But when you begin to approach the feeling of no limitation, you become frightened, and in a frenzy you try to find yourself and define it—and to discover die point at which you emerge into physical reality.

There are no limitations and ihere are no boundaries to ihe self—only those that you adapt, in your terms, at any given time. I did noi say there was no identity; I said there were no boundaries to the self. There is no place or lime where your self ends; there is no probable reality in which you do not exist—in which YOU do not exist.

There are no limitations to what you are. You can form limitations if you want. They will serve to content you. You can put up fences around yourselves and say, "I am here and now and in no other place and no other time", if you are afraid of die idea of your own inner divinity, and of the infinity of your own existence. You can pretend that you exist only within your corporeal image.

You can hide within the minutes and the hours and the years, and see no further if you wani. But only the tiny portion of you that is frightened is so fooled by the game that you are playing with yourself. The other portions of you merrily go about enjoying their own reality.

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