
The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 21

Never say "no" to your own feelings—accept them. Hate will lead you back to love, if you allow it to. All emotions come from love. Hate shows you the distance between yourself and another person for whom you feel love.

If you think that the majority of your fellow men are stupid, idiotic, and leading the world toward destruction, it is only because you love the race so strongly, and feel the race falling short of the expectations of your love. If you allow yourself to experience that emotion, then it will lead you back to the realization of your love. But if you deny what you think of as hatred, disgust, or dissatisfaction, then it cannot lead you toward the destination for which it was meant.

If you think you hate a parent, it is because there is in your mind such a separation between yourself and | the love for that parent that you feel. If you allow yourself, therefore, to feel the hatred, you will also experience the love. You do not hate those for whom you have no regard. They do not bother you in any way | whatsoever. They are outside of your notice. You love your enemies whether you know it or not. You are bound to them, for in your mind you constantly compare them with what you think they should be in the vision of your great love for them and for yourself. Whenever you think you hate, you love. But unless you allow yourself to feel the hatred, you will never know. If you hate someone and you beat a pillow, and pretend| you are beating that person to death, then when the murder is committed you will realize the great love that you really feel, and the death will be the death of the hatred, not of the person.

You cannot love yourself and hate your emotions. You cannot love yourself and distrust the reality that | is your own. And within the great affirmation and joy of your being, you can deny and say '"no." For when you deny and say "no" you are doing so comparing what you say "no" to, to what you want to say "yes" to. You are comparing in terms of an ideal that exists in terms of love within your mind. If we bloodless old ghosts are not afraid of emotion, I don't see why you should be.

There are no clear mirrors to look through [to a student] that will show you one impeccable, immaculate reality, and no one, no one ideal Carlos who can say, "I shall and must do this and that to fulfill my abilities." There are, instead, an infinite number of probabilities, and you, my dear Mend, have freedom to move within (hem. You want me to say, "You should do thus and so," or you want yourself to say, "I must do thus and so." But if you flow with the feeling of yourself, you will go where your being goes. Trust—trust—the lives that are within you now. Go along with your own living that flows through you. In your here and now, you are here and now. Feel that here and nowness! Know its knowing! And you will be where the being of you wants to go!

Feel yourself flowing and moving as easily through your life situation as a hair grows out from your head—as easily and naturally. Feel events that you want happening, as hairs grow out from your head. Go with your being. Go with your being. Imagine what you think of as doubts as a beautiful, inner, natural phenomenon, as a rock glowing in the sun, in the stream of your being. They are beautiful and natural. They are not impediments. You flow around them beautifully. They are a part of your being. Now, remember that last sentence particularly, and I return you to your class.

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