
The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 23

I do! But work with your own beliefs—honestly, and see what you think when you are finished. If you believe that knowledge is difficult to achieve, it will be. But you will often, as in the instances mentioned, work within a system that agrees with your beliefs.

Now, up to a point this is beneficial, and you will learn from it, and you will see within the system the reflection of your beliefs, and you will begin to move out of that system. But you need, often, the framework of the system, and the agreement, so that often a beneficial framework is set up, but one through which you will move.

Now in many cases, and in such schools—in any schools of beliefs—you will find, for example, students who will set themselves apart, and begin offshoots as their system of beliefs begin to change. You will find alteration, but in al1 cases, each of you use the system of belief for your own purposes. There will be benefits involved and you will move through each.

There is no end to the creation of beliefs within your system. Each are handy reference points that you use—rocks that you stand on for a specific time. Now when I say move on, I am not speaking in terms, necessarily, of higher or lower advancement. I am not speaking of beliefs as rocks that lead to the mountaintop of truth.

[Rick: "Where do they lead?"]

They lead to other beliefs, and to other realities, and to other creative activities that all extend the nature of your own consciousness—the nature of your own being—and that open up with yourselves the acquiescence to new experiences that increase the being of your being.
It would do you no good, now, to have fifty-six teeth. Your mouth would not hold them, and it would be difficult to smile or frown. I will leave you to make the connection with that analogy.

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