
The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 24

You are here because you are beginning to believe in the freedom of yourself, and in your own integrity. You are ready to sit and listen to someone who says, "Look into your self—know your self," and who, at least, will help you do so.

Now, in your terms I have some very good points to say for me, and yet some liabilities. After all, you have bodies that you have to live in every day, and what you think of as intimate personal problems that go on all the time. On the other hand, because I am not physically focused, I have the time, the energy, and the inclination to travel in other realms, and tell you about what goodies I can bring back.

But I always remind you that in whatever terms you think, your consciousness is your own. Your abilities are your own, and those realities that I know are not necessarily yours. I will travel in my own way through reality, and you will travel through your own way in reality.

Now, listen! In a manner of speaking now, and as an analogy, you are entities to the molecules within you. In your terms, they send you out into realities of sensation and dimension that they cannot understand.

You make a conscious decision to drive a car, or not to drive a car. The molecules within you do not know what a car is. Yet your ability to drive that car is dependent upon the existence of those atoms and molecules. Yet, for them, you go out into a reality that they do not know. They join their reality with yours, and theirs is vivid and valid and real, but it is not yours, and yet it is a part of yours, and they send you out. Speaking now again as an analogy, in terms of time, you are what they will be.

Now, in terms of time and following (he analogy—for all you literal minded people—portions of you go out as you go out from your molecules, and speak back to you, and tell you of realities that now you do not consciously perceive, but that are yours. Now think that!

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