If each of you would, for one instant tomorrow, allow yourselves to feel fully the miracle of your own being, then would you indeed find yourselves surrounded by a paradise, but a paradise that would make previous ideas of heaven silly by contrast—a paradise in which you realize the creativity and multidimensional aspects of your own being.
My dear friend over there, Will, you might be a statue—a beautiful sculpture, for all you know of the reality of yourself. And this applies to each of you. Yet there are no barriers that prevent such knowledge or understanding.
If I can feel your uniqueness, individually, with such impact, then why cannot each of you try to feel the grace of your own being? You will look at an animal or a flower and call it beautiful, and ignore the beauty and grace of your own experience. Now this relates not in high spiritual terms necessarily, but to those seeret words that you speak to yourself when you call yourselves stupid, in the seeret closets of your mind.
Would you call a flower stupid? Would you call a star stupid? Would you call a molecule stupid? If you understood the grace of your being, you would look even upon yourselves with joy and gracious abandon. Do you call yourselves dumb, or opaque, or fat, or skinny, or whatever? Whatever derogatory terms you use when you speak to yourselves, stop it!
Feel the uniqueness then of your laughter [to a student] and let your joy spring into your realization, and it will give birth to all those abilities within you. In all of what I have said, there is indeed no greater, practical message.
You think in terms of future selves. And using your terms now—and, as always, that is a loaded statement—but, using your terms, think instead of yourselves as pinnacles of achievement and expression, reached finally by the atoms and molecules that dwell within you. In your terms now, they think and feel and reason.
I return you, then, as always, to the selves that you are, and I entreat you, most humbly, to look within the selves you know for the wisdom that is indeed your own, for the blessing that comes from All That Is, as it is reflected through yourself. Ask me for your blessing, for your blessing. Ask your molecules for their blessing, as you bless them.
See the miracle of tomorrow. When you wake up in the morning, tell yourselves that you will perceive it, and perceive the grace of your being within it.
And now I leave you, and those blessings that I have to give I give you, and those that I do not have, I am sure you can find for yourselves.