The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 28

When you do not express it, then you dam it up. And you can express it against yourself in terms of physical symptoms, or in your relationship with others. But if you realize it is nothing to be frightened of, then you are free of it.

Hate is, as I have said before, like a summer storm. When you let it go, it lets forth energy and rain that heals the earth. It is turned into quite constructive framework—it is good and natural.' sky would never think of holding back its storm—again, it has better sense.

Do not fear negative thoughts. That simply adds to what you consider negative energy. Where would the world be without thunderstorms, and even floods, and hurricanes, and earthquakes? That is how the earth changes and renews itself. To deny your emotions, any of them, is denying the aspect of your own reality, an it is, literally, impossible.

Let it go and no one will be hurt. The universe is not afraid of your hatred. It can hold it easily. Each individual has their own built-in defense and energy, and your hatred, directed even against them, will not hurt them.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 27

Or, to be aware of the identification. There is no one point of perfection. When you think you have an enemy, you simply begin to focus upon the distances that exist between what you think the enemy is, and what your love tells you the enemy should be. But because you think hate is so wrong, you then do not focus upon the similarities between your enemy and the love that is involved. You are blind, for example, to his good points, and focus instead upon those qualities that separate you from what you think he should be and what he is.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 26

To some extent, yes. Now when you love someone, you are able to see what you think of, or feel, or interpret, as the ideal. You are also aware of the separations from that ideal. But these do not bother you—you accept them, but you do not focus upon them. Now you may also however, because of your identification, see in the other person your own ideal of yourself, and then perceive, as they seem to fall in their behavior from your ideal pattern, also your own failures, and be twice as angry, because it seems to you they are failing for themselves and for you.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 25

When a child says to a parent, "I hate you," often the parent is appalled. The parent says, "You should not say hate," or, "That is bad," and the child quickly learns not to be so honest!

Now this is from my book.*(THE NATURE OF PERSONAL REALITY) But what the child is saying: "I love you so much, and I sense this great love. What separates me from it now, and how can I return to it, and what has happened, and what is wrong?" And hate operates in the same manner, regardless of your age and the personalities involved. And if you are taught to believe it is wrong, it is then more difficult to get back to love because you begin to inhibit the feeling.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 24

You are here because you are beginning to believe in the freedom of yourself, and in your own integrity. You are ready to sit and listen to someone who says, "Look into your self—know your self," and who, at least, will help you do so.

Now, in your terms I have some very good points to say for me, and yet some liabilities. After all, you have bodies that you have to live in every day, and what you think of as intimate personal problems that go on all the time. On the other hand, because I am not physically focused, I have the time, the energy, and the inclination to travel in other realms, and tell you about what goodies I can bring back.

But I always remind you that in whatever terms you think, your consciousness is your own. Your abilities are your own, and those realities that I know are not necessarily yours. I will travel in my own way through reality, and you will travel through your own way in reality.

Now, listen! In a manner of speaking now, and as an analogy, you are entities to the molecules within you. In your terms, they send you out into realities of sensation and dimension that they cannot understand.

You make a conscious decision to drive a car, or not to drive a car. The molecules within you do not know what a car is. Yet your ability to drive that car is dependent upon the existence of those atoms and molecules. Yet, for them, you go out into a reality that they do not know. They join their reality with yours, and theirs is vivid and valid and real, but it is not yours, and yet it is a part of yours, and they send you out. Speaking now again as an analogy, in terms of time, you are what they will be.

Now, in terms of time and following (he analogy—for all you literal minded people—portions of you go out as you go out from your molecules, and speak back to you, and tell you of realities that now you do not consciously perceive, but that are yours. Now think that!

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 23

I do! But work with your own beliefs—honestly, and see what you think when you are finished. If you believe that knowledge is difficult to achieve, it will be. But you will often, as in the instances mentioned, work within a system that agrees with your beliefs.

Now, up to a point this is beneficial, and you will learn from it, and you will see within the system the reflection of your beliefs, and you will begin to move out of that system. But you need, often, the framework of the system, and the agreement, so that often a beneficial framework is set up, but one through which you will move.

Now in many cases, and in such schools—in any schools of beliefs—you will find, for example, students who will set themselves apart, and begin offshoots as their system of beliefs begin to change. You will find alteration, but in al1 cases, each of you use the system of belief for your own purposes. There will be benefits involved and you will move through each.

There is no end to the creation of beliefs within your system. Each are handy reference points that you use—rocks that you stand on for a specific time. Now when I say move on, I am not speaking in terms, necessarily, of higher or lower advancement. I am not speaking of beliefs as rocks that lead to the mountaintop of truth.

[Rick: "Where do they lead?"]

They lead to other beliefs, and to other realities, and to other creative activities that all extend the nature of your own consciousness—the nature of your own being—and that open up with yourselves the acquiescence to new experiences that increase the being of your being.
It would do you no good, now, to have fifty-six teeth. Your mouth would not hold them, and it would be difficult to smile or frown. I will leave you to make the connection with that analogy.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 22

[Now, what I meant was] often, not always, and much less in this group than usual, people want a pill called truth. You take it and all your problems are solved. You know what to do with your life. There are no decisions for you to make. The pill solves it all for you. You do not believe in pills that come from a bottle any longer, most of you, but you want a metaphysical pill, and the metaphysical pill will solve it all for you.

[A student: "Seth, what is this stuff that everybody calls enlightenment?"]

Now, if I could sing, I would sing, "What is This Thing Called Love?" But I cannot sing.

Enlightenment is a normal part of your consciousness. It is a function of your consciousness.

There are varying methods that you think will help you achieve it. As long as you think you need methods, you will run from method to method, and from teacher to teacher. And the teachers will very cleverly work within your beliefs.

If you believe that you are guilty, then you will go to a teacher who will say,"Yes, you are indeed guilty, and I will tell you how nasty and dirty you are." And in one way or another, he will show you how to do penance for your sins.

It may be a wise and clever benign guru who gives you so many hits over the back with a whip. It may be a system of beliefs that tells you that you must work very hard for knowledge because you believe you do not deserve it easily.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 21

Never say "no" to your own feelings—accept them. Hate will lead you back to love, if you allow it to. All emotions come from love. Hate shows you the distance between yourself and another person for whom you feel love.

If you think that the majority of your fellow men are stupid, idiotic, and leading the world toward destruction, it is only because you love the race so strongly, and feel the race falling short of the expectations of your love. If you allow yourself to experience that emotion, then it will lead you back to the realization of your love. But if you deny what you think of as hatred, disgust, or dissatisfaction, then it cannot lead you toward the destination for which it was meant.

If you think you hate a parent, it is because there is in your mind such a separation between yourself and | the love for that parent that you feel. If you allow yourself, therefore, to feel the hatred, you will also experience the love. You do not hate those for whom you have no regard. They do not bother you in any way | whatsoever. They are outside of your notice. You love your enemies whether you know it or not. You are bound to them, for in your mind you constantly compare them with what you think they should be in the vision of your great love for them and for yourself. Whenever you think you hate, you love. But unless you allow yourself to feel the hatred, you will never know. If you hate someone and you beat a pillow, and pretend| you are beating that person to death, then when the murder is committed you will realize the great love that you really feel, and the death will be the death of the hatred, not of the person.

You cannot love yourself and hate your emotions. You cannot love yourself and distrust the reality that | is your own. And within the great affirmation and joy of your being, you can deny and say '"no." For when you deny and say "no" you are doing so comparing what you say "no" to, to what you want to say "yes" to. You are comparing in terms of an ideal that exists in terms of love within your mind. If we bloodless old ghosts are not afraid of emotion, I don't see why you should be.

There are no clear mirrors to look through [to a student] that will show you one impeccable, immaculate reality, and no one, no one ideal Carlos who can say, "I shall and must do this and that to fulfill my abilities." There are, instead, an infinite number of probabilities, and you, my dear Mend, have freedom to move within (hem. You want me to say, "You should do thus and so," or you want yourself to say, "I must do thus and so." But if you flow with the feeling of yourself, you will go where your being goes. Trust—trust—the lives that are within you now. Go along with your own living that flows through you. In your here and now, you are here and now. Feel that here and nowness! Know its knowing! And you will be where the being of you wants to go!

Feel yourself flowing and moving as easily through your life situation as a hair grows out from your head—as easily and naturally. Feel events that you want happening, as hairs grow out from your head. Go with your being. Go with your being. Imagine what you think of as doubts as a beautiful, inner, natural phenomenon, as a rock glowing in the sun, in the stream of your being. They are beautiful and natural. They are not impediments. You flow around them beautifully. They are a part of your being. Now, remember that last sentence particularly, and I return you to your class.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 20

I bid you good evening, and remember this: you have a right to say "no." In the great affirmation of your being, you are conscious. You are therefore able to make a distinction. You can like something better than something else! Within the great affirmation of your being, you can deny.

You can say "no" to a situation freely and joyfully and exuberantly—and feel free, and that you are using the abilities of your consciousness, your spirit, and your creaturehood. If you say "no," you say "no" for a reason. Find out what the reason is. You have a right to it.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 19

If each of you would, for one instant tomorrow, allow yourselves to feel fully the miracle of your own being, then would you indeed find yourselves surrounded by a paradise, but a paradise that would make previous ideas of heaven silly by contrast—a paradise in which you realize the creativity and multidimensional aspects of your own being.

My dear friend over there, Will, you might be a statue—a beautiful sculpture, for all you know of the reality of yourself. And this applies to each of you. Yet there are no barriers that prevent such knowledge or understanding.

If I can feel your uniqueness, individually, with such impact, then why cannot each of you try to feel the grace of your own being? You will look at an animal or a flower and call it beautiful, and ignore the beauty and grace of your own experience. Now this relates not in high spiritual terms necessarily, but to those seeret words that you speak to yourself when you call yourselves stupid, in the seeret closets of your mind.

Would you call a flower stupid? Would you call a star stupid? Would you call a molecule stupid? If you understood the grace of your being, you would look even upon yourselves with joy and gracious abandon. Do you call yourselves dumb, or opaque, or fat, or skinny, or whatever? Whatever derogatory terms you use when you speak to yourselves, stop it!

Feel the uniqueness then of your laughter [to a student] and let your joy spring into your realization, and it will give birth to all those abilities within you. In all of what I have said, there is indeed no greater, practical message.

You think in terms of future selves. And using your terms now—and, as always, that is a loaded statement—but, using your terms, think instead of yourselves as pinnacles of achievement and expression, reached finally by the atoms and molecules that dwell within you. In your terms now, they think and feel and reason.

I return you, then, as always, to the selves that you are, and I entreat you, most humbly, to look within the selves you know for the wisdom that is indeed your own, for the blessing that comes from All That Is, as it is reflected through yourself. Ask me for your blessing, for your blessing. Ask your molecules for their blessing, as you bless them.

See the miracle of tomorrow. When you wake up in the morning, tell yourselves that you will perceive it, and perceive the grace of your being within it.

And now I leave you, and those blessings that I have to give I give you, and those that I do not have, I am sure you can find for yourselves.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 18

In limited terms you all exist in air. But you are not all air. You all are individual, yet you are made up of the same elements that exist in the nature that you know: and yet you are all diverse. And so while you are all one, you are a different, unique, and like no other. You are not swallowed in any reality by a super-self in which your identity is lost. You are all one, but you are all yourselves and unique. And out of that uniqueness and that individuality, the one-ness IS.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 17

I've told you often that there are no limitations to the self. But when you begin to approach the feeling of no limitation, you become frightened, and in a frenzy you try to find yourself and define it—and to discover die point at which you emerge into physical reality.

There are no limitations and ihere are no boundaries to ihe self—only those that you adapt, in your terms, at any given time. I did noi say there was no identity; I said there were no boundaries to the self. There is no place or lime where your self ends; there is no probable reality in which you do not exist—in which YOU do not exist.

There are no limitations to what you are. You can form limitations if you want. They will serve to content you. You can put up fences around yourselves and say, "I am here and now and in no other place and no other time", if you are afraid of die idea of your own inner divinity, and of the infinity of your own existence. You can pretend that you exist only within your corporeal image.

You can hide within the minutes and the hours and the years, and see no further if you wani. But only the tiny portion of you that is frightened is so fooled by the game that you are playing with yourself. The other portions of you merrily go about enjoying their own reality.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 16

Ruburt is a creature. You are creatures. Each in your own way, therefore, dwell in the same energy and the same knowledge. The point of the present is your point of power. If you assign power to the past, then it is lodged there because of your beliefs. In your terms, the present is a moment of your focus through which you affect both, in your terms, the present and the future. It is a moment of your creaturehood. If you think of the past as top-heavy with power, and of yourself as powerless in the moment, then because of your beliefs you become at the mercy of the past and therefore at the mercy of the present and the future. If you feel your consciousness ah've and alert in the moment, and realize that the present moment is your point of power, then you see yourselves as you are, as creators of your experience individually and creators of the world that you know.

For a moment, open or close your eyes, as you prefer, but sense yourselves in this moment at the height of your power of action, and from this point you influence and form your present, your past and your future. This is your moment of power as each moment in your terms is. This, the present moment, is your moment of action and power from which you influence all of your experience. Let that knowledge then guide you who are nameless, who do not need names, who dwell now in a three-dimensional reality, nameless as always, though you give yourselves names.

You are not the names, you do not need ihe names any more than I need the name. Feel that moment of present reality, dien, as your point of action from which you influence each moment, in your terms of your reality, and you will not feel dwarfed by the past or at the mercy of a future you do not understand. Now in your terms, I am ancient Yet, in your lerms, you are also ancient. If you were truly alive and truly perceptive, and you walked out of this house and, with all of your abilities, all of your abilities working, you picked up one brown dried leaf from last year that littered the grass, and picked it up and understood and felt its reality, and heard what it said, then you would hear my voice, for my voice is a leafs voice.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 15

Listen to me and ask yourself what is your name. If you were alone in the middle of the universe surrounded by darkness, and someone said- some voice out of the ether—"What is your name?", what would you answer? So I ask you,"Whal is your name, each of you?" My name is nameless. I have no name. 1 give you the name of Seth because it is a name and you want names. You give yourselves the names, and you have taken names, because you believe names are important.

Your existence is nameless. It is not voiceless, but it is nameless. The names you take are structures upon which you hang your image. One thousand years hence what will your names mean, and one thousand years before this moment what did your names mean, and what have those names to do with your experience? You are what you are, and what you are is nameless. What you are can be not uttered, and no letter or alphabet can contain it. Yet now you need words and letters and names and objects. You want magic that will tell you what you are.

You each, in your own way, are doing your own thing. And each of you are nameless. That does not mean you do not have an identity. It simply means that a name has nothing to do with your identity, and that entity names are a means and a step along levels of belief that you can use. I told Ruburt from our earliest sessions that he could call me Seth. 1 never said, "My name is Seth," for I am nameless. I have had too many identities to cling to one name!

But you think your names define you, and you are afraid to depart from them. And you think your physical existence defines you, and you think that the moment defines; you, you think that your beliefs define you.

If you are quick and if you are intuitive and if you are courageous, and if some evening you listen to my voice in the proper mood, then you can follow yourself to the heart of yourself, using the voice as a road or a vehicle.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 14

Whatever framework you choose you will find many who believe in it. Your idea must be to lead then beyond the framework while still allowing them, if they need to now, to take advantage of it.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 13

You form your reality, and the healing energy is within you always. As a healer, you teach people to realize the great potential of their own healing ability. If they move through frameworks of belief, then you teach them that the frameworks of beliefs are aids, but the healing ability is within each, and it keeps them alive.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 12

There are no ways out. You form your reality. You form the good part.

You are responsible for your successes, for your life, for the joy of your being, for your yawns.

When I tell you that you form your experience, you automatically leap to the conclusion that you form only your bad experiences. Give yourselves credit! You form the joys in your daily Me also, and your happy encounters. It is you who leap to the interpretation that because you form your reality you are responsible only for the dire aspects of your life or for your limitations.

Again, if you will look to those areas where you are pleased and apply those beliefs of success to those areas in which you are not so pleased, you will find there also that you form your experience and that the feeling of achievement can be spread from one area of your living to another.

You form your experience. You form your past, your present, and your future. You are responsible for each daily moment, individually and en masse. En masse, your beliefs bring about the world conditions that you know. Individually, they form your intimate daily life.

As I have told you before, in a manner of speaking, you are given the gifts of the gods. Your beliefs become reality. What you believe is and becomes real in your experience. There are no other answers. There is no area in your life to which this does not apply.

If you are young and angry at your parents, or your background, you helped form that background. If you are older and look back upon your life and do not like what you have done with it in certain areas, you have formed it. You cannot blame circumstance whatever your age or position.

You cannot blame your parents whatever your age or position. You cannot blame your children whatever your age or position.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 11

I want to make a brief comment because it may help you. Regardless, you see, of what Al thinks makes his eyes water (I am not going to get into your smoking problems!)—say that Al believes that his eyes water when it is 45 degrees temperature exactly. All right. Now he believes that that is reality. It is not reality—not rock-bed reality. It is experienced reality because he believes that when certain conditions occur this will happen. Now, each of you, in your own way, will react to different episodes, and so it is up to you to see how that operates in your own lives. But that is not rock-bed reality—it is one of many probable reactions, and you, through your beliefs, have settled upon that. Now as long as you believe that to be far more real than its opposite reaction, you are stuck with it. If you can see it as one probable reaction that you have chosen, and if you can see an opposite reaction as equally valid, then you can free yourself. And the same applies to each of you following that example. And now I return the floor to you.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 10

Because if you take any longer period of time, you will hassle it. You will begin to compare what you want with what you have. You will begin to think that you are trying to change rock-bed reality into something else. You are hypnotized by a fix. The short time period is enough. You are not even to think of this outside of that time.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 9

Now, I propose for each of you an experiment. You must each do it for yourselves and it is a tricky on Perhaps one of the trickiest, in many ways, that I can devise. You must understand, however, the basis for the experiment that I am proposing. You must realize, first of all, that your private reality is one of numberless probable realities. You are experiencing one of many probable realities. Now, because of your neurological structure you can only physically perceive, in your terms, so many events at once. Therefore, from an unlimited number of probable events you choose those which you will perceive through your physical system, in terms of time and biological reality. It seems to you as I speak, however, that the reality that you know is rock bed reality and that all other realities are probable. Instead, you are perceiving and experiencing one of many probable realities for yourselves. You must understand mat or the experiment will not work. If you insist on thinking of your present reality as rock-bed reality, and everything else as probable, then the experiment will not work. So, first of all, you must realize that you are experiencing one probable reality of many.

Now lake, each of you, an area of your life with which you are not pleased in your terms. Think of it. Now, do not think of it in terms of rock-bed reality, but as one of many probable realities mat you have brought into your experience because of your beliefs. Now, hold in your mind the idea that there are other probable realities in that one area that you can just as easily pull into your physical experience, and experience this biologically, practically, and intimately in your daily life. Then, for perhaps five minutes a day and no more, imagine yourself through your beliefs pulling mat portion of probable reality into your own. For that amount of lime you must, however, change your belief in mat area. You must realize that your belief pulls the reality to you: and therefore only, now, for five minutes, change the belief. And if you do this faithfully you will find your reality in that area changing.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 8

It is not always easy, in your terms, to work with yourself. It is much easier to blame anything else for the "negative" parts of your experience than yourself. It is much easier to assign to other agents the responsibility for your being. But you all try too hard. For you do not understand that within your framework of reference there is always challenge and change. And so, bodily situations have their meaning. The self talks to the self. You always think of illness as negative, as wrong, as bad, as evil—in the same way that you think of light as good and dark as bad, white as pure and black as evil. Now in my book, I mentioned that if you are black and you believe that black is evil, you are in a poor position and you had better change your beliefs. If there is pain in you and you think that pain is evil, you are in a bad position, and you had better change your beliefs.

In your framework of reference, as I have said to you time and time again, you form, YOU form your reality according to your beliefs about it. You always, at each stage, accept your beliefs as reality, and so of course they work for each of you.

If you could suspend for a moment the belief that your beliefs are reality, you could then feel your beliefs form the reality that you know—go out from you and draw into your experience the daily, intimate Me that you know. If you believe that you must eat certain foods, then you had better eat them. If you believe that smoke is bad for you, you had better avoid it. If you believe that needles will save you, then they will save you. But in each case, whether in healing or disease, in joy or in agony, in poverty or in wealth, your beliefs form your reality.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 7

For a moment, forget your question! You are a flower—a very lovely flower. The sun is bright and warm and glowing, and you are blooming. Because you are a flower, you exist in the natural world of abundance and glory. And the sun flows upon you, and you open your petals.

Now what would happen, if, in the middle of a bright sunny afternoon, our flower began to think, and it said, "What am I doing that the sun should shine down upon me? I am a poor, worthless little flower. The great world goes beyond me and I do nothing. Hardly anyone notices me and I am very lonely. How is it that this great sun should shine down upon me?"

And so the flower, following its own though), now begins to droop, and it wiggles its little stem over, 'til it hangs its head beneath a giant oak tree, where the sun cannot fall upon it in the shade. And say our little flower begins to reason further, and says, "If the sun fell upon me, what would I have to do to deserve this great benediction? I musi think of things to do to rationalize my existence." And as it thinks, it grows gloomier and darker, and huddles up against the great tree, so that the sun cannot reach it.

Now, any flower has better sense than that, and so should you! Abundance is all around you. It is the sun! It is the rain! Now you think of those things as natural and good. But wealth, in whatever terms you happen to translate it, is also a pan of your natural world and translation. And so for you to feel free to accept one portion of nature and not the other is not a good belief.

You ARE! Your being IS! You are a portion of All That Is. Therefore, you have a right to abundance as the flower has to the sun. In human terms there are many kinds of abundance, and they are all yours. You must realize that you do not have to rationalize your existence. Because you ARE, you have a right to the abundance of nature in whatever way it is transformed or translated for you.

And you have all to realize that your experience begins from within. And your joyful thoughts bring joy, and your abundant thoughts bring abundance and thoughts of limitation bring limitation. And when you are all laughing here and basking in your own being, and glowing in your Sumari Sun, then you are enjoying abundance—your own abundance, your own sense of fun and creativity. So do not limit yourself.

And realize that THE ENERGY THAT SWEEPS THROUGH THIS FORM IS YOUR OWN—a hint of the energy and joy and abundance that belongs to you. So, play with the blocks of your own belief! Enjoy your own being and spontaneity! And be, in your being, joyful!

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 6

I just said that to you so that you would realize you had nothing to lose, but you will instead gain. I just said that to give you a cushion, because you cannot start checking immediately; you cannot begin this and then start checking yourself and say, "Wait a minute. I've done this five minutes now—where's the money?" But I also tell you that if you can change your belief in a split second with enough strength and intensity, and reverse yourself in mid-air so to speak, then the results could be instantaneous.

The Seth Audio Collection - Excerpt 5

Your thoughts have an electromagnetic reality. Now you must realize that this is true or the rest of what I am saying will indeed sound like Pollyanna nonsense.

When you think in terms, for example, of abundance and plenty, then those thoughts draw to you abundance and plenty as a magnet does. There will be a while, while you are changing your beliefs for example, you will find yourself in a period where you feel quite self deceptive and you are saying, "I am surrounded by wealth and abundance," and you still look around you and you are poor. And you think, "This is a lot of bull!"

But it took you some tune to build up your beliefs to the point of your present experience, and so, in your terms, there may be some lag before your new beliefs draw to you abundance. But your physical experience follows your thought. And you cannot change the experience without first changing your thought.

Now, it does no good to believe two things at the same time. So what you do is this—you say, "I will play around with this idea. I will admit that it might be possible that my own thoughts about money are causing my lack of it. And so, for the hell of it, I will, several times a day, pretend that I am surrounded by abundance, and in my mind I will imagine the things that I want. If it does not work, I have not lost a thing, but if it works, I have gained a lot."

So you try it for several weeks, and each time that you do, the idea becomes a little bit more possible, a little bit more real. And in the meantime, these thoughts are changing the beliefs that you have had. They are at least balancing them. And they begin to draw to you abundance. There is no other way to change your physical reality but by changing your thoughts.

Quotes from "The Magical Approach"

"The creative abilities operate in the same fashion, appearing within consecutive time, but with the main work done outside of it entirely."
Session One, Page 3

" fall into the frame of mind in which you think that each minute is valuable - but what you mean is that each minute must be a minute of production."
Session One, Page 3

"I use the word methods because you understand it, but actually we are speaking about an approach to life, a magical or natural approach to life that is man’s version of the animal’s ?literal? instinctive behavior in the universe."
Session One, Page 5

"True creativity comes from enjoying ?the? moments, which then fulfill themselves, and a part of the creative process is indeed the art of relaxation, the letting go, for that triggers magical activity..."
Session One, Page 8

"The old beliefs, of course, and the rational approach, are everywhere reinforced, and so it does have a great weight. The magical approach has far greater weight, if you use it and allow yourselves to operate in that fashion, for it has the weight of your basic natural orientation."
Session One, Page 9

"It is not that you overuse the intellect as a culture, but that you rely upon it to the exclusion of all other faculties in your approach to life."
Session Two, Page 13

"Now when you understand that intellectually, then the intellect can take it for granted that its own information is not all the information that you possess."
Session Two, Page 16

Magic Show

What magicians we all are,
turning darkness into light,
transforming invisible atoms
into the dazzling theater
of the world,
pulling objects,
(people as well
as rabbits)
out of secret
microscopic closets,
turning winter into summer,
making a palmful of moments
disappear through time's trap door.

We learned the methods
so long ago
that they're unconscious,
and we've hypnotized ourselves
into believing
that we're the audience,
so I wonder where we served
our apprenticeship.
Under what master magicians did we learn 
to form reality
so smoothly that we forgot to tell ourselves
the secret?

Jane Roberts, 1979 - from The Magical Approach - Seth Speaks about the art of creative living